Tuesday, 2 August 2011

A Woman With A Voice

You would think choosing a picture would be the easiest thing to do especially when it comes to celebrities (I stutter to use that word to describe this lady but it will do for now) but it was too difficult choosing a picture that would best display in one glance the power this woman has and continues to share with the world. Power in her sound, power in her words and power in who and what she is in every single aspect. Choosing a title for her, came with no dificulty because she has shown that she is a woman with a voice not only in her music but also in social issues that need to be addressed in our country, South Africa and it is a voice to be heard by many and has been heard my many including myself - Im still listening and growing, Mind and Spirit.

I wont give away her age because it is said a woman's age is her secret(google it..ssssshhh) but she was born in Gcuwa in the transkei,Eastern Cape (I am from Mthatha...shine - transkei tendancies) and my co groupie for Ms Dana would be my grandmother who resides in butterworth as she would proudly say she knows the dana family (the policeman) and we would pride ourselves in that in our hearts weve always known Simphiwe Dana (please dont tell my gran I just exposed her).

Your music has fed me and taught me to stand, to reflect and give thanks. I continue to feel good in my skin through women like you and for that it gives me great honour and privillege to celebrate you as one of my 31 women who inspire me for women;s month.

To sis Simphiwe, you havent reached forty yet and they say life begins and forty...I wait with anticipation what that beginning has in store for the rest of us all. Keep shining and keep being that change and inspiration#Simamele


Everything is Everything

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