Wednesday, 3 August 2011


The picture I was looking for was of Thandiswa Mazwai shaving her hair off in the video thathi sgubhu... That was my introduction to her ans some part of me I would discover for me because exactly a month later after seeing her in the video, I shaved my hair off thinking it was the coolest thing ever to hit planet earth - a woman who shaved her head and still looked like a girl. Of course little did I know I was still in Junior Primary and noone thought it was cool but rather funny and spent the first week being teased. When I think about it now I was such a punk.

I carried her and Bongo Maffin with me and with her new soloist person i followed with my undivided attention. I walked with her in my early high school years. buying her Zabalaza album three times and as i pursued my afrocentricity -  clothes and all. Its when I f

Thandiswa Mazwai continues to touch me and others through her unique voice and song. She continues to be the song of our nation,

So if ever a woman I had to include in my 31 ladies who have and continue to inspire me, I choose to celebrate her. She taught me that being black and being xhosa is not just beautiful and also sexy and a pride and honour I should carry everyday with who I am... It is me.
She calls on each and every person to stand fast in finding who they are, accepting that person and being proud of that person so we can stand for our nation and as an individual live.

"Ndiyaziqhenya ngawe mz'ontsundu"


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