Thursday, 4 October 2012

Blog Action Day 2012

When I first decided to start a blog, it was help me recover from the most life-changing moment o my life. I have since gone through many extraordinary moments, none as life-changing or painful but significant in their own ways.

I have such that moment and all those other moments on this blog to help noone else but me and with your ear, I have risen.Then came a moment where I thought I did not this blog anymore til I realised in your silence, in your listening I was helping you some significantly and some just enough to trigger something - doesn't matter what that thing but it was there regardless. It was all I needed to know that to keep me here.

This year, I decided to take this blog even further and ignite change, by triggering thought. I came across Blog Action Day which is an initiative started by Kabissa to create awareness. To ignite change bu triggering thought. I am proud to say I am one of the 1115 registered bloggers. One of the 8 from south africa giving a voice.

If you are reading this post and you have a blog, be part of it and register on This year's theme is "the power of we". I have a topic which is one is very relevant to South Africans but more important relevant to mankind and living with each other - il keep it a secret til 15 October 2012.

Everything is Everything

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