Thursday, 11 October 2012

Whos BAD? #ThePowerofWe

With only 4 days left to Blog Action Day, excitement and anxiety are now both eagerly knocking on my door. Anxious because I have all these ideas stuck in my head that I need to share but I need to figure out which ones are more significant to share and how I need to share them on the blogpost so that it has the most effect and it at least changes one, just one mindset and ignite just one action.

Excited to be a part of something so great as if this blog in itself has not giving me enough already. As I have said, we need to learn tio live with each other because it is within each other that we find ourselves and Im definitly getting the liberation I need from this project....

Before I end of this post, you are probably wondering, Who's "BAD"?(PUN INTENDED). I am, you are, we are - It is all in the power of we and we give rebirth to this concept that has always been subconsciously there on the 15th October 2012.. So if you have it already, join us in BAD(Blog Action Day) 2012.


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