Monday, 22 October 2012

The power of we is one that has proven to have the power to kill and yet the power to save lives. It is a phenomena that has existed since the beginning of time and remains relevant today but whether it destroys or create depends on how we choose to use and we choose to listen to as a society. If you have not guess, each individual is a part of that power, it is that power. Our attitudes, our beliefs and our morals govern that power.

The power of we has allowed monarchies to rise and also to fall. Hence a leader is nothing without its people.

The power of we has given rise to apartheid and has also brought it to its need. From South African countries marching, to african countries offering refuge, to many more countries putting in place sanctions.

The power of we has given rise to world wars and has put the end to them.

The united nations is reinforces the power of we. How when we all work together we can change the world. How we can save the world and how we can keep peace in the world.

The bible says where a crowd is gathered, the holy spirit is gathered - The power of we.

But I want to bring this post close to home. To a South African born Concept but Global phenomena: "Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu", directly translated from zule to english means, a person is a person because of people. It calls for humanity. It is the definition of The Power of We in its greatest form.

So I write this post in reminder of the Power of We to each individual so that we may come together to save those and help those who cannot do it on their own. Get over yourself and become a part of the rest of us as it is one struggle for all of us.Power corrupts, power corrupts absolutelybut it is up to us to use this in the best way we know how give a hand

I challenge eveyone who reads this post to not only pass on this message but to truly become part of society by giving a hand somewhere where it is truly needed. Exercise the power of we where you are, charity does afterall, begin at home.

Everything is Everything

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