Tuesday, 16 August 2011

My voice

The women who gave me a voice, my first memory of the spoken word... Feela Sistas!!!!!!!
This group of joy, celebration, depth, speech and every other hypnotic word you can think of consisted of the most worthy of women namely Lebo Mashile, Myesha Jenkins, Ntsiki Mazwai, Napo Masheane.... These women are powerhouse on their own and combined they rocked cultural boundaries, socie limitation, conquered social ills and danced with our nations beauty.

This powerhouse that fused speech with music formed March 2003 and I "met" them beginning of 2004 and it is then that they gave me my mind and voice and wtiting became my everything. I began to realise that I had to ask questions, I began to realise the power that I hold within and sooo much more.

this is a poem i wrote in 2004 that none at the time knew... i had taken my inspiration for feel sista from the four of you:

I have fallen to the bowels of this earth
And risen, risen to an unforsaken world
Of which the heathen have not caressed
From sleep i wished never to wake up
Rather than be part of the fraudlity born of this make up

Introduced to the world of slam
Slam, a vreugde nd voorspoed expression
Of art
Passed on to me and you by them
Who have come to make you and me be
That of which must be conquered...

My eyes to think, the mind to see, my mouth to kill
And my body to talk, I have learned.
A psychedellerious feeling of TNT

When last, when last did my body taste the sweets
Given off by my forefathers
That of them that shreds my skin
That of hem from which I breathe
That of them that kills their tongue
And empowers my soul to scream

Feel a Sista
Feel a Sista speak

It is by this
I declare...
Revived and rejuvenated...
Beautiful I am

And with that I celebrate all for of you as 4 of my top 31 women who have inspired me

Everything is Everything

1 comment:

  1. you possess a powerful art, mold it and shape it to what you want it to be ...

    #everythingiseverything ...
