Thursday, 4 August 2011

I GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!

Some of us first met her with the fugees and some with sister act but either I do not think I have ever met anyone who could not fall inlove with at least one song from this woman's and above all learn something and ask themselves questions, questions that need answers and asks to somehow make a change ino ur lives and that of others.

Lauryn Hill, born 26 May 1975 is a woman that is still relevant today in her music despite not releasing in years. She continues to inspire and just like the picture, which best described her music, allows us the opportunity to reflect on ourselves and the world we live in - as if the sound of her hoarse yet soulful voice hypnotises us to listen a little more.

Whenever I needed to find myself again, think and be at a serene place Lauryn knew how to take me there. Besides its where I first heard the title of this blog.

She has and stil remains my favourite artist of all time and I celebrate her as one of my top 31 ladies who have inspired me.

Everything is Everything

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