Tuesday, 21 February 2012

pApER cUTs

This one is a bit late but I want to share it anyway...

 As per usual, my introduction includes me explaining my title, I guess because most of them have some story that is either funny or witty. Well I hope they appeal to you some odd way or the other, the way they do me. All I can say after opening hundreds of ballots (which were in envelopes) that left me with a million paper cuts, I find the title quite appropriate for my experience at work.

No, I will not tell you where I was working, although some of you may know, because I have learnt that in life you need to keep some secrets to yourself so you can fully enjoy your experience, just to figure things out for yourself and to be your own fan and friend amongst many other reasons which most black people (No ‘ not being racist) would agree are ones you dare not test to be true or not. Well, also because if I do say some negative stuff my possible employer does not dismiss me before I even start the job – though I doubt “He” is so keen to hire me anymore anyway(lol). Just joking just trying to make this as funny as I thought it would be when I decided to write this post – THE PRESSURE.

Before you think I am about to babble about nothing, I want to steal your sympathy and just in case I’ve lost you already. I think I should tell you if you are still searching for a man, it’s true the good ones are undoubtedly taken: married or gay. Yes I said it, you cannot tell Jonathan this because he will kill me (we might not be married but he is taken too*sideeyes*). I won’t mention their names though if they do get to read this post, they will probably know its them...Fine ass black brothers like terrance howard and morris chestnut do exist(bursting into laughter while I write this).Let’s not talk about their asses(PG). They made for very good eye candy.

My first two days were nothing short of a disaster, I was an hour late for work besides the fact that I had deactivated my bank card and I finally learnt how it feels to be solvent and illiquid(hungry times). I did not mind my papercut escapade until I had to commute back to Stellenbosch. I had to wait an hour for a taxi to Belville and another hour to Stellenbosch – Dear God I need a car.

The second day proved to be the worst of the rest of the week when the last gift my father bought me before he passed on was pickpocketed on the train to Claremont – My Blackberry and yes he stole my whole life or a she whatever it was. I was early for work, okay fine I was ten minutes late, but ended being 2 hours left. With no phone, a deactivated bank card, no cellphone numbers except my moms and my boyfriend’s and no idea how to get to work, I think I was quite early. I need to learn to stop crying.

Wednesday seemed great until I broke the glass cover of my aunt’s gas stove. I am cursed.

I can’t say my week of work was very productive and informative but it’s definitely shown me how weak I am. I need to learn to move no matter what is happening in my life. Life will always throw things at you to stop you from moving but as I once heard Tyler Perry said, God said I must tell you to “MOVE”.

“MOVE” has definitely become my philosophy for 2012 especially with the baggage I have carried from 2011. I am shit scared and do not know what turn to take but I’m moving.  I’ll take whatever comes my way because I do not have much of a choice.

This week has come with a whole lot of questions and new difficult decisions to be made. A reflection and meditation session is needed and soon. That is why I cannot wait for next week as my new year truly begins.

I know I have already wished all of you a prosperous new year and it would have been more appropriate to give you a new year’s message then, I leave you with one thing Martin Luther King once said: “If you can’t fly, run. If you can’t run, walk and if you can’t walk crawl, but whatever you do keep moving”

Still Love you all


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