Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Back From the Dead

Hopefully none of you like me has been watching vampire diaries season 2 otherwise you will really believe I literally wokeup from the dead.

I have been so quiet for so long, I might as well could have been mistaken for dead but then again I have been dead for ages and I've been at my deadest (and yes figuratively I can be more than dead).things just kept on killing me. However, my absence was not a reflection of my journey but rather an accumulation of something powerful to share.

I have had a revelation.Yes, we have revelations everyday but this one was thee revelation,I needed to begin living,to move one. I heard iyanla say on Oprah until you heal your past,you will continue to bleed and bleed and so before I'm sucked out dry I thought I would listen...still not the revelation though it got me thinking of me and all the weapons that had killed me or lack thereof to save me.

At first I said, I'm finding anie(that's me) and then my revelation came...I can't be finding anie..wen I find her what do I do with her?then I said in pursuit of anie..I find her,I learn what to do with her,how to deal with her,how to pursue her everything and her to love her and then I don't need to pursue happiness and everything else...because if I can pursue anie I can get anything from her.

And with that I have risen and continue to rise,I hope u do the same.

I have a very good and close friend and sister.I love her and thank God everyday from her because she stimulates my growth and my hidden unhidden beauty.she gives me a platform to meditate and to learn to live- I hope you have one of those. Anyway she puts up a bbm status that reads when you are honest about what you want,life will give it to you..just when I had my revelation and for me it held a great translation for where I was,for where I am and where I am had so much depth and power for me see dt part about being honest about what you want asks a lot of asks you to know yourslf better and andastand is with that that you realise your purpose and from thr u rly estblish what u want and are realistic and honest about what you want.

As corny as this is going to sound, I got my glasses the other day and I laugh now because they have more than just improved my vision physically but in everything else too.I see the everything in my new eyes...

I am back from the dead-"Peace from Broken Pieces"(iyanla)


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