Tuesday, 21 June 2011

"Be the change you want to see in the world"-Mahatma Ghandi

"This is our day" would probably have been the better and more suitable Title quote rather than the one I used considering I'm reporting on my youth day with SOS Mthatha Village but everything linked to that day and everything it teaches us,asks to do is best represented by Ghandi's saying.

SOS Mthatha Village is a home for abandoned children and those from unbearable circumstances.It is part of an international organisation formed at ther end of World War 2.

The Mthatha Village houses about 140 children including those in external homes.

The Youth of today is always compared to that of 1976 and we are posed with the questions of what we stand for and are fighting for except twitter and facebook and it is such homes that remind me and remind evry human being that we have struggles.the struggle to overcome our background,struggling to find ourselves and individual struggles of everyday that only take courage to fight.

Strive Push Consultants proposed to do a Youth day event of which was held at the village on 16 June 2011.

The day was aimed at motivating the children and this is exactly what it did and also gave them knowledge in terms of their career path with major lesson of education being a highlight. Moreso we also celebrated ourselves and commemorated the youth of 1976 and also highlighting that the youth of today also have their own struggle though it may differ from back then but is also important.the day was filled with activities and it was beautiful and inspiring to see the children interact and showing us some dance moves.

The day was surrounded by love,laughter and victory.As much as I am overjoyed that all the children learnt a lot I learnt a lot from them.I acquired strength from theirs.

There is no greater gift than that of giving.not because it clears your conscious but because you learn more about yourself through others.You receive even though you might not always realise it.

I have learnt a great deal of people, their kindness and willingness to give and I thank Strive Push Consultants Mthatha's Jimmy SuperSpar, Mila's Guest Lodge and Willing Buddies GuestHouse for showing me that the spirit of uBuntu still exist and also allowing themselves to be the change in the world including all the stuff at SOS Mthatha Village and the children.

Courage is being able to live through a new day with everything it brings whether painful or joyful because not everyone faces it.Courage is asking more of yourself even though you may not know what lives in you.Courage is continuing to walk with ur bleeding and wounded legs.

I Loved my june 16 this year,I felt like I shared it with the world.


Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Back From the Dead

Hopefully none of you like me has been watching vampire diaries season 2 otherwise you will really believe I literally wokeup from the dead.

I have been so quiet for so long, I might as well could have been mistaken for dead but then again I have been dead for ages and I've been at my deadest (and yes figuratively I can be more than dead).things just kept on killing me. However, my absence was not a reflection of my journey but rather an accumulation of something powerful to share.

I have had a revelation.Yes, we have revelations everyday but this one was thee revelation,I needed to begin living,to move one. I heard iyanla say on Oprah until you heal your past,you will continue to bleed and bleed and so before I'm sucked out dry I thought I would listen...still not the revelation though it got me thinking of me and all the weapons that had killed me or lack thereof to save me.

At first I said, I'm finding anie(that's me) and then my revelation came...I can't be finding anie..wen I find her what do I do with her?then I said in pursuit of anie..I find her,I learn what to do with her,how to deal with her,how to pursue her everything and her to love her and then I don't need to pursue happiness and everything else...because if I can pursue anie I can get anything from her.

And with that I have risen and continue to rise,I hope u do the same.

I have a very good and close friend and sister.I love her and thank God everyday from her because she stimulates my growth and my hidden unhidden beauty.she gives me a platform to meditate and to learn to live- I hope you have one of those. Anyway she puts up a bbm status that reads when you are honest about what you want,life will give it to you..just when I had my revelation and for me it held a great translation for where I was,for where I am and where I am going...it had so much depth and power for me see dt part about being honest about what you want asks a lot of you.it asks you to know yourslf better and andastand yourslf.it is with that that you realise your purpose and from thr u rly estblish what u want and are realistic and honest about what you want.

As corny as this is going to sound, I got my glasses the other day and I laugh now because they have more than just improved my vision physically but in everything else too.I see the everything in my new eyes...

I am back from the dead-"Peace from Broken Pieces"(iyanla)


lessons from others

Responses to AdversityJune 8 
"Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior" (Hab. 3:17-18).
When we experience adversity, we generally respond in one of three ways: (1) we become angry; (2) we try to gut it out; or (3) we accept it with joy.
AngerWhen adversity comes our way, we say, "Why me, Lord?" We become bitter and resentful and blame God and others for our problems. We view ourselves as victims and demand that God answer our accusing questions: "Why don't You love me, Lord? We feel entitled to life, health, wealth, and happiness.
Gutting It OutAnother way we respond to adversity is by adopting a stoic attitude, repressing our emotions. We lie to ourselves and say, "I'm gutting it out. I'm demonstrating endurance." In reality, we are merely isolating ourselves with a shell of false bravado. We don't meditate on God's love, we don't pray, we don't believe God really has anything good planned for us. We simply tell ourselves, "This will soon be over. I'm a survivor." We never receive what God has planned for us if we stay here.
Acceptance with JoyThis is the response God seeks from us. When adversity comes, we rest in His love and trust that He knows best. We realize that nothing can happen to us without His permission. If there is pain in our lives, we know it's because God deems it necessary for our growth or wishes to use our pain to minister to others.
God revealed to the prophet Habakkuk that Israel was soon to be invaded by the Babylonians. Habakkuk knew that Israel was about to suffer intense adversity as part of God's loving discipline of His people. Habakkuk faced the looming national tragedy with an attitude of acceptance with joy.
If Habakkuk could be joyful in the face of a national calamity, then we can rejoice in the Lord no matter what comes our way.
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