I write this letter with a fearful respect and the upmost caution for I have felt the power of your wrath and I wish not to displease you.
I thought I would write this letter to let you know what type of a man you need to take into my heart and tell of those you were never supposed to allow to start with but sumhow overnight, I have discovered that there are so many things that you control (to be honest, I think you control everything) because what is anything when you don't involve the heart.
You give me joy and peace, you give me tenderness and love, kindness and understanding, humility and patience but most importantly you give me life.
I could tell you of all the bitter things you have given me right til this point and i know more of the anger, sorrow and emptiness you've made me feel are still to come but I choose not to drown in the bowels of your cruelty for you give me so much more.
But while I am at it, allow for yourself a man who helps you give me all things sweet, a mine that keeps your beat balanced with an excitement of speed once in a while. I am not asking for much, just a man who loves me and only me for I am a representation of you. A man who makes me laugh and wants to be a part of me, a man who would try to give me at least a taste of heaven and just wants to be good to me.
If not a man, as I travel this journey of rebirth, let me not lose myslf in the old as i feel myself fade, allow me to be showered in all the beauty that I do not "see".
Lastly, do not listen to half the things I say in this letter for it is all the things you allow me to feel and do(good or bad) that allow me to explore further for some sort of fullfilment that I know you have saved for me and not the things I want to feel.
We must cry and laugh, for somewhere in between lies the beauty of the heart...of life and it is with that acceptance do we allow ourselves to be human...beautifully human. Just don't let yourself manifest in newly hiding places of unwanted feelings but rather seek to find them and experience them so as to create a greater gift for yourself.
I write this loveletter to you to remind myself that the acoustics are not allows in tune but it is with that you seek for that memorable sound.
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