the thing about a job interview it doesn't start when you are sitting across your interviewer, oh no it starts waaaaaaaay before. It starts with a sort of self satisfaction of knowing you"ve managed to impress someone even before they have met you and enticed them to actually want to meet you and so with that self satisfaction you can't help to tell the world and at the same time weary about that action because it might just end like another William Shakespeare story - tragic.
As if that is not enough to keep your mind occupied you realise you need to look the part and great at it for that same interview....that in its self is a task for another day so i eagerly pick three outfits to lay on my bed for which my handsome boyfriend would choose from only to be attacked with we look good in all of them honey (im not going to deprive you of anything if you tell the truth - well i think i won't) so i try take pics of myself and send to my dearest friend nangi really wishing she was now with me so instead i start cursing all the friends here in stellenbosch for not helping choose an outfit - we cud have had wine and laughed anout boys afterwards.
By now, you probably reading and still asking yourself i cannot imagine what you could learn from a job interview except about the job. By theis time I've already reminded myslef how beautiful I am or at least told myself that over a billion times, reminded myself of gooed friends and good times and almost discovered things i love to do:clothes, wine and good good friends.
The day of my interview comes with a pinch of nervousness (okay fine a whole lot more) and whatever confidence out the window - when i think about it now it must be the best part of the process...embracing your vulnerability and controlling it and moulding it and loving it enough to let it go when you get to the interview which I have finally master after doing this a couple of times. This time was different.
On the the train to Cape Town, grey silk cowneck dress, grew pantyhouse and grey ankle boots and not forgetting my signature brown vintage handbag and bronze diamond studds. I almost felt to alive. Cape Town (that place still brings me to life and back to reality), feeling like a high powered new yorker as walk the streets and deciding on not taking a cab. This ofcourse is really sexy still i start getting lost and I start getting frustrated with my gps on my blackberry not giving directions and the talking one also known as my friend Mels. Yet after the curious stares, the compliments of the working men and the acknowledgement from so called colleagues it doesn't seem so bad infact I almost find a bit of me roaming amongst the faces.
Alas, I find my destination even better than I imagined it. I was in my future in all its pureness and some of the journeys I am still yet to travel almost seemed precious because each held some gift for me.
After my interview, I sat on the street benches facing the huge fall thta stood in the middle of the road and as the cold winter breeze tried to fight my red coat,i was at peace even if it was for a second and to end my gift as if to bless that my moment I read a tweet that quotes a line from ee cummings "and i thank you for everything which is natural which is infinite which is yes" and with that I hope this piece makes you laugh and learn something inbetween or if not i hope you get some blessing from this line.
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