Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Get over it

During the long weekend of 27 April 2012, yes it was a while back, I had the unfortunate privillege of sitting in what I believe was one of the worst talks I have ever sat in. I will not name the uct professor who spoke for his sake but I will be sure never to attend one of his talks again.

However, I did try and make sense of what he was saying and despite my distaste for his overall talk, he had some very interesting parts in between the hogwash.

My posts are usually close to home but not this one. This one is about tolerance and learning to live with ourselves and each other and as the uct professor put it" Get over yourself" - although his context of the clause is far from mine I grabbed it anyway.

We live our lives consumed in ourselves which is not necessarily a bad thing but becomes one once we think we are better than others. I had a chat with my roommate the other day and we were talking about how God surely must taken bribes because some plans are just way to good while other people are worse off. What I find amazing though, is how He has managed to make us need each other despite the two ends of each other. We cannot inhabit this world on our own and the more we get over ourselves there more we will be able to save whats left of humanity and our world. A way to ensure that the atrocities of the past do not repeat itself and the fear itself disappear because it is the fear that takes us two steps back even when you have moved behind.

My mom the other day told me about a sermon she had heard at church which just asserts how you are linked and how we all need each other even when we do not know it.

A youn ghungry boy was hungry and went around asking for food. After many let downs, who knocked at a door where a woman had given her some milk. Years later this young boy had become a doctor and the woman had grown older and sick and needed a very expensive operation which she could not afford.
Having been admitted at the hospital the doctor works at, the doctor decided to walkk around check on this woman only to find it was the woman who gave her the milk years ago. The man put out his hand to the woman and said you paid for this operation with the milk you gave me years ago because maybe I would not even be here.

Lesson: If we put ourselves aside, you start a chain of goodwill and it is that chain that can change the world.


Thursday, 10 May 2012

Everything happens for a reason

This post does not at all reflect where I am in my life but reflects where I am in my heart and soul. Dear dad, losing you and your love, laughter, kindness and affection remains the hardest and most painful thing I have ever had to deal with to date.

Some days seem better than the rest but there ones that I remember you are gone are the harder than the last one. I may have said goodbye but my heart will never be able to part from you and the person you have been in my life.

I need you. I want you. I cannot rewind time but I want to so badly; given the chance I would choose to have left with you than to stay with this pain, this emptiness.

I dedicate this post to every person who has lost a loved one, who continues to carry this unbearable pain with me and my family...


I miss you peanuts - Gone but not Forgotten

"Sweet, No Mkata Mkata"