Sunday, 15 May 2011

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhh (hahahahaha-chuckles)

Don't ask about my title it just seemed so appropriate because it came from nowhere as i was pondering what to call the piece on everything going on in my hart,soul and mind. Actually i blame my playlist filled with a mix of hiphop better yet rap (brown sugar best describes it as the difference between love and being in love)...

"Life is cold, cold is pain..pain is growth" no wait wait for it  he says five niggers with a gun :seed killer number1,seed killer number 2, seed killer number 3 while you bob to the psychedlirious listen to this guy He says:
"The pain comes and it goes
But my wounds show the tomb that now shelters my boy
My boy needed my help, myself not in the game
The game heartless and young" like who is this guy.He is dope no HE IS DOPEST (got me using words i don't usually use)

Infact I need you to introduce you to this boy: Blu & Exile revives rap sooo much he took me back to fugeela by the fugees....they need no introduction.
 and if you already knew him why have you been hiding him from me-underrated artist someone please gve him a grammy or even a metro award PLEEAAAAASSSSEEEE.
But rap in itsself has its own definition in music that i am yet to share. Before i do convert to a crackhead, i do feed my soul with jazz actually right now Earl klugh is my jazz.besides the childhood memories with my dad, i cannot run away from the way he can make his music feel pain and joy with no words but instruments.
These songs have been filling me up in ways I could never explain which brings me to my explanation for being so scarce. I forgot what this blog is about. With all the blogs i follow(capital of cool,quirkystylista and quirky anything) i find happiness even if its for a moment because it is things i love,things that make me laugh,things that are me but this blog to me is my journey, our journey. I have been feeling down and out and I thought these feelings and stop weren't for the blog but I have come to realise noone expects for joyful somethings all the time and when I don't share such deserts, I end the journey even though im still travelling. Its okay to be down, its okay to be cold,alone and down beacuse thats when we seek to find direction to leave nowhere

hahahahahahahahahah.screaming has become a mecca for me, my place of momentarily contentment alongside everyone who continues to give me purpose in my life.

"Im only human, our inadequecies are what make us human, if we were perfect, what else would we strive for." and at that moment of the movie, i was the full me. This line comes with an acceptance or sort of self - forgiveness that we all need in our lives in order to live. For Coloured Girls, tyla perry unexpectedly steals my respect, my love for who he is through his writing and in his understanding of a woman's heart and soul. Do yourself a favour and watch that movie in one way or another, small or big it will bless you.....hahaha My love is too fulfilling and soulfeeding to be thrown back in my face.hahhahahahahaha i'll  remember that the next time a man tries to walk away with my stuff.....

Everyday, I still try to learn this live this new life without my father, everyday, i still learn to love myself and others and everyday i still go in search of whatever awaits me and everyday, I learn to live and i learn to live with myself.
ooooooooohhh la la la lalalala.....
God bless....

I have no idea if this blogpost makes sense...i just had to.... IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME


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