Tuesday, 1 March 2011


Life has a way of pushing us even deeper when we have already reached rockbottom yet that same life haas this unbelievable ability to take us beyond our craziest fantasies  and into heaven(or at least a taste of it), fill our inner with joy,love,power and all these mystique emotions and funny little things we are yet to sought, feel and explain that feeling you know have never yet have felt before.

Its the eyes that have developed in my head, the smile behind mmy mouth and the voice gently and sweetly singing in my soul(though ive never mastered the art in my vocal chords).

Waking up to the gorgeous sight of sunshine, oh my beautiful summerdays, or rather the accumulation of what is about to be the sun's blaze on my black skin(which absorbs the heat), but while I angrily try to find the shade, the white girl next to me excitedly plans her day of pure bliss -tanning.*oh the joys*

Hearing the sweet sound of the bird's singingor rather its annoying chirp - to think of it I have never heard the sweet sound of a bird that all the books talk about.If the chirping be song than I am lost in my ear.

Dining, a favourite paste time, however do I say no to good food, good wine and the most interesting of company until the shattering and mostly everso shocking reminder that nothing is free in lyf, well atleast not the luxuries - THE BILL

The serene midnight walks in the street of Stellenbosch surrounded by outside candlelight dinners soon to end by the scavenge of mosquitoes just in time to rid of the romance.

Celebrate life and all the joys it brings.Embrace these things that entice us.
This world Ive created just for us to look and find our deepest pleasures, aspirations and inspirations. To love,laugh and cry.
To the lost and found: friends, love, accesories, clothes, stationery, money and furniture.

Let's have our own eat,pray and love journey, its way more affordable here.

Secret:with this first post, I feel like its the first day of pre-school all over again though that never worked out to great because I ended up wit a wound at the back of my right leg and I still have the scar to prove it(Zodwa Madikane im coming for you)

The sun may not shine tomorrow, the world mayend or yours might never see the light of day again, but before that, lets explore the world and discover great things. To good conversatin and an experience you may have had but not quite the same. This is my introduction...


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