Tuesday, 14 August 2012


I had the privillege of chilling with the amazing artist, Khanyisile Mbongwe, who up until yesterday I did not know she existed and after being asked to google her, feel like the shit for knowing her - Google Her.

Being with her and the other no name brands who are just as amazing according to me(what your mother would say), I started reminiscing on the different people I have inhibited over the years which were amazing years but has been my biggest downfall in knowing who i am and what I want for myself now and for the future. And if not that, thank you khanyi, iggy and allison for making me write anothe blogpost again - I needed the air it lets me breathe.

I am now contemplating going to an audition that could be alot of fun but one I am not sure forms part of the person I want to become in the future. I am no Bonang Matheba and neither have I wanted to be yet I have gained an interest in the industry ever since my year stint with my dj but what are my interest. who am i, what do I want for myself, where do I want to be, what legacy do I want to leave behind for myself and what am I doing to get there. Is this audition how I get there? Sometimes these questions may seem easy but there is a fine line between being versatile and being a jack of all trades and a master of none. LEARN TO BE THE MASTER. Making such decisions require a certain level of honesty with yourself. One that is tough and will make you lose out on alot of opportunities but one that will allow to reach your potential and grasp opportunities that are best for you.

So today I write this post, not only for myself but for those who need to move forward. Our own little guide book to self-redemption.

  1. Face all your past/issues head on.Cry, throw them against the wall(please do not bring harm to others), have a bonfire. do whatever you need to do to let them go. Keep the lessons they have taught you. For those of us who pray, pray to God and ask them to clear you from the past.Ask him for you not to hold yourself back any longer but push you forward.
  2. Sit down and ask yourself who and where you want to be; from the way you want to laugh, the cologne/perfume you want to use to the the type of marriage you want to have, how you want to love yourself and those around you, how you want to see yourself and how you want others to perceive you. Paint that image of yourself with every detail but becareful to look within and find who you are and not paint a picture from what other people are. For those of us who pray, pray to God and ask him to show you who He created you to be and your purpose. To infuse what you have come up with and what is to be in His plans for you.At the end of that prayer, say God I have confessed it with my mouth and I know because of that not only has it been justified but it has been done. Thank you.
  3. Ask yourself how you need to get there. Plan it and stick to it. Let it be over the top and be realistic at the same time. Take what has worked in the past, leave the rest and create new approaches. You should know how the next line goes: For those of us who pray, pray to God and ask Him to give you the patience with time constraints and people around you who will help you in your journey, perserverance to follow through even when things are not going your way and to keep the bigger picture in mind.Latsly, strength to be able to face the challenges that come with knowing who you are, standing by that person and reaching your dreams - If you sleeping for 5 hours, you are not hungry for it yet.
  4. Dont forget to live which is what most of us forget to do and even though you have a dream, do not forget what is important. Little things like love and making memories is what makes life special which brings me my next and probably final point.
  5. Love: Learn to love yourself the right way because in doing so you teach yourself how to love and respect the people you cherish.In turn they learn how to love and respect you the way you so rightfully deserve.
Do not let others and the world influence you but listen to what they have to say because so often we miss out on advice/lessons that will groom us.It is important that as much as we want to learn how to live with ourselves, we learn how to live with others because as I have said before, sometimes it is within others that we find ourselves.

All this sounds or seems easier writing it down but making the decisions that follow is even harder. There are many amazing opportunities that will come your way, you can become a jack of all trades and master of none and take all of them, not succeed and excel in all of them and end up not knowing where you are heading; or you can choose the opportunities that are right for you. Ones that will mould you as a person and ones that will strengthen your path. All of them will lure you in but knowing who you are and where you are going comes with a fight to stand by that person and it is that strength and that stand which will allow you to know what is right for you.

Everything is Everything